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Studio User Agreement

As a participant in the St. Johns Clay Collective Punch Card system, it is understood that I am participating in the health of a greater ceramic community.  As a member of this community I agree to the following rules and guidelines:


The Basics:

Before using the space you must watch our mandatory “Welcome to the Studio” videos available on our website.


Punch Cards are not shared or transferable to other individuals.


A punch card entitles you to sign up for 10 three-hour visits. You may sign up for concurrent slots on the same day, but each three hour visit is equal to one punch.


You must sign in and schedule your visit on our booking app AND sign in physically on the clipboard when you arrive.


Refunds for no-shows are not allowed. Partial use of a time slot is not an option. Cancellations must be made in the scheduling app prior to appointment, not during or after.  Using the studio without booking your visit online will result in forfeit of your punch card and studio use will be revoked.


Friends and guests can purchase a day pass by appointment when accompanied by you. You will be responsible for the conduct and equipment used by your guest. 

The studio is monitored remotely during some open studio sessions.  


Respectful Community:

Do not handle other people's work without permission.

Music played in the space will be in harmony and with the consent of others working in the space.

Users must agree to maintain a respectful and kind demeanor in the space toward other people and their belongings.

Racist, sexist or disrespectful language or behavior will not be tolerated. Acts of vandalism, abuse of the space or unfriendly conduct observed at those times are grounds for having punch cards revoked.



No touching of the Kilns​

In a community space accidents happen and SJCC is not responsible for broken or misfired works. 

​At SJCC we can not guarantee firings for a variety of reasons so items may have to wait for when space is available.  Availability is at the discretion of the SJCC. 

Refunds for broken or misfired works are not guaranteed. 


Firing fees are $.10 per cubic inch. All firing fees must be paid in advance to either SJCC staff or in the SJCC online store.  If you pay online, you must include your payment order number on your firing slip, OR it must be signed by the staff person taking your transaction. Work without a paid number or staff signature will not be put in the kiln.


NO firing on Stilts


There is a $0.05 cent per cubic inch fee for refires. 


Small works (bead, buttons or micro size) should be fired on a tray or container for ease of loading. Only proper bead trees designed for the purpose may be used and must have a high-temp wire of adequate gauge.  The whole bead tree should be measured as it will fire in a glaze to calculate proper area cost.


Use of space and storage:

 All clays used at SJCC must be cone 6 or higher. We have an in house reclaim system so we require use of only the lighter spectrum of stoneware and porcelain. If you want to work in reds or browns, please see the director to discuss.

You must maintain a modest amount of work and understand that this space is not suited for production.


SJCC can not offer storage of bisque or glaze ware. 

Shelving is used for work in an active process. Please take your tools and other personal belongings with you. Storage is provided only for green ware waiting for trimming and drying.


When possible, ware-boards should be returned to circulation and NOT used for storage.  Ware-boards are primarily for transporting work. When necessary, a studio tech may collect ware boards and remove bone dry/ leather-hard works from them.


A warning will be issued in the form of a Green note if works are found without a proper Name & Date label.  Green-ware left for more than 3 weeks may be considered “abandoned”. 



Studio Equipment:

 Studio ware-boards and bats should be cleaned and when adequately dried, returned to proper storage space (under the main table).  

 Use of the slab roller and extruder should be handled with care. Don’t force or jam hard clay through these machines.  Extruder must be washed inside and out when you’re done using it.

 Plaster table; No scraping and gouging with metal or wood scrapers, rubber or soft plastic scrapers only.  No knives and cutting on the surface.


General Cleaning Protocol, Health and Safety:


Leave the Studio cleaner than how you found it. The cleanliness of the studio is a key concern and everyone's participation is required.   

Clay in dust form is a major health hazard.  Clay dust (silica dust) when breathed in over time can result in major respiratory health issues.  

Whenever possible wipe the shelves with a wet sponge to keep clay dust from building up.  

See our mandatory cleaning video.

 NO trimming or carving of dry work. EVER.

 NO sweeping.  All clean-up is done wet with plenty of water.

 Make sure clay scraps and slurry go into the slurry bucket.  Do Not push dry clay through the screen this will break the screen. 


Proper clean up of canvas tables: 

Cleaning canvas tables should happen at the end of open studio and not while they are actively being used.  Working on a wet table can be difficult and messy so save cleaning tables for when no one will be working on them.

To clean canvas tables they should be saturated with water. This water will help break up the clay that has been worked into the canvas.  A large sponge or rag should be used to absorb the dirty water.


Proper clean up for wheels: 

Drip pans and throwing buckets should be thoroughly wiped and cleaned into the SLURRY BUCKET.  Drip pans, throwing bucket and tools can be given a final rinse in HAND WASH basin.  To wipe down wheels, use a  5 gallon to fill (half way up minimum) with clean water.  Use this water to wipe down all parts of the pottery wheel (top, underside, cords, pedal), the stool and any surfaces used nearby (any place where clay from your wheel has splashed).


CLAY DUST is a very serious health concern in the studio.  Clay contains silica. When silica dust enters your lungs it doesn’t leave, but only builds up over time. This build up can lead to a very painful and fatal illness; SILICOSIS.  For the health of everyone in the community it can not be stressed enough the importance of cleaning properly.  We all have fun getting muddy and dirty but when it is time to clean up, it’s time to get serious.  Please help the SJCC community be a safe and healthy place for us all to enjoy for a long time. 


Immediate dismissal from SJCC will include but not limited to:

 Use of studio without booking your punch visit in the online scheduler.

​Theft or vandalism of any works, materials or equipment belonging to studio users or SJCC.

​Rude, lewd sexual behavior, racist, sexist or other degrading language or violent behavior will NOT be tolerated.

​ Using and handling of kiln or clay mixer without permission.


Release agreement: 

I, being of lawful age, or represented by a person of lawful age, in consideration of being permitted to participate in ceramic studio use being conducted by SJCC, do for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, hereby release and forever discharge SJCC, its members, officers, agents, employers, promoters, independent contractors, sponsors, advertisers, heirs, executors, administrators, employees and assigns for any and all loss or damage and from any claim for damages on account of injury to my person or property, including injury resulting in death or permanent paralysis, whether caused by the negligence of SJCC or otherwise, arising out of or related in any way to my participation in a classes or open studio to be presented by SJCC, to the fullest extent allowed by law. This release relates to and includes every aspect of the class, instruction and studio use to be conducted by SJCC, including, but not limited to, use of pottery wheels, slab rollers, tools, clay and glaze materials and any first aid, treatment or service rendered to me arising out of or in any way related to said classes and open studio.

I acknowledge that ceramic activities, include known and unanticipated risks, which could result in physical injury, paralysis, death or damage to myself, to property, or to third parties. I understand that such risks cannot be eliminated and are essential aspects of the activity. The risks include, among other things: possibility of sprains, punctures, cuts, exposure to silica dust, exposure to glaze materials which may include components known to be harmful and/or carcinogenic, wet floor surfaces in work areas, lifting and carrying 25 lbs., lifting and carrying buckets of water, and other unforeseen circumstances.  Furthermore, SJCC Instructors and Studio Monitors provide the best instruction and safety possible for participants, but can not know individual limitations or abilities.


By participating in activities at SJCC, I knowingly and freely assume all risks associated with studio use, both known and unknown, and assume all responsibility for my participation. I certify that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I may cause or suffer while participating, or else I agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage myself. I further certify that I have no medical or physical conditions which could interfere with any safety in this activity or else I am willing to assume and bear the costs of all risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any such condition. I agree to indemnify SJCC, its members, officers, agents, independent contractors, employees and each of them, from any loss, liability, damage, cost or attorney fees SJCC may incur arising out of or related in any way to my presence on said studio use, whether caused by the negligence of SJCC or otherwise. SJCC and I expressly agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the balance shall continue in full legal force and effect. This RELEASE contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto and the terms of this RELEASE are contractual and not a mere recital. I FURTHER STATE THAT I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THE FOREGOING RELEASE, KNOW THE CONTENTS THEREOF AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS RELEASE GIVES UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS AND SIGN THIS RELEASE OF MY OWN FREE WILL.

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